Meet Our Team

Hector Gonzalez
Wholesale Sales
7 years in the company
"With joy I help my clients in every project."
Manny Ramirez
Retail Sales Lomaland
10 years experience, 20 years experience in flooring
"You only need to keep certain aspects in mind and you will see how we can transform your space, it's amazing!"
Ana B Jones
General Manager
30 years experience in customer service
4 year in the company
"Our goal is to find in every home the best place to be together in family and create the atmosphere for their favorite place to be, knowing that the materials fullfill all your necessities: quality-durability-hygiene."
Clementina Duran
Wholesales and Commercial Rep
7 years experience in the business
15 years advising people in decorative design
"Designs that you are going to love, people come to me and ask for ideas and combinations for their homes, I love to see them leave happy and thrilled with their project."
Sandra Valles
Wholesales Rep
I want to help you to achieve and enjoy that dreamed space.